Sometimes, planning a vacation can be stressful and unenjoyable, unless you’re someone who loves the process of planning a trip even more than the trip itself. As of now, it’s even more difficult to plan a trip or vacation with friends and family due to the nature of the COVID-19 Pandemic throughout the world. This… Read more »
Traveling can be exhausting, and it can be difficult to remain fresh and clean during your journey. Whether you are traveling by boat, car, or plane, there are a few different ways to maintain your personal hygiene during the trip. Here are a few essential ways to stay fresh during your travels: Keep your hands… Read more »
Jet lag is a temporary disorder that arises during long-distance air traveling. It is most prevalent for people who are flying into different time zones. This impacts the traveler’s circadian rhythm because the body does not understand the change in time. Anyone who has traveled by plane through different time zones knows that jet lag… Read more »
Planning a trip abroad can be stressful – especially when you’re traveling with your children. Between the planning, the packing and the worrying they could get lost, it’s easy to stress out about making sure everything is covered. Take a deep breath and read through these handy tips to help you prepare, pack and plan… Read more »
Traveling internationally has never been easier than it is today – you can book your tickets online, read up on the city you’ll be visiting, and make reservations for dinner and excursions, all from the comfort of your own home. But the reality is that you’ll still be traveling to a foreign country, so it’s… Read more »
A lot of time and planning goes into traveling abroad. So, how do you make sure you’re not forgetting something? First, check out some of our top international travel tips. Then start checking off your to-do list. Don’t have a checklist of your own? Not to worry – you can use ours! Here’s the ultimate… Read more »
An overseas trip can hold many things: experiences, adventure, and unpredictability. Be prepared for the unexpected with international travel insurance! Why invest in international travel insurance? Even though you have planned your trip (with our help!) leaving no stone unturned, you can never plan for the unexpected. International travel can be unpredictable and you may… Read more »
The era of green living penetrates all areas of our lives, from eating to working and now—traveling. Going green means making sustainability (both environmentally and economically speaking) a priority in your life. Traveling green is made easy with the following tips and tricks! Choose public transport When at all possible, walk to your destinations; walking… Read more »
Getting ready to go on your big trip? Be sure you don’t fall prey to these common traveler mistakes! 1. Forgetting to notify your bank of your travels The only thing worse than ignoring your budget, is not having a budget entirely—and we mean no money! Banks constantly monitor your credit card’s transactions and once… Read more »
You can prevent yourself from experiencing a premature case of cabin fever by planning a winter vacation to Europe! Following are a few of the advantages of traveling to Europe during the cooler months of the year, and they may surprise you. Changing Food Palate During the winter months European cuisine tastes shift with… Read more »
Traveling internationally has never been easier than it is today – you can book your tickets online, read up on the city you’ll be visiting, and make reservations for dinner and excursions, all from the comfort of your own home. But the reality is that you’ll still be traveling to a foreign country, so it’s… Read more »
You don’t need a traveling buddy to see the world. According to Forbes, solo travel will be a top trend in vacationing in 2017, and Fodor’s Travel says that a solo travel experience should be on your bucket list for a number of reasons. First and foremost, planning a unique vacation for yourself is a… Read more »