Category: US Travel

A Closer Look at the Denali National Park and Preserve

mountains in the Denali National Park

In honor of late President William McKinley, Denali was originally created in 1917 as Mount McKinley National Park, with the intention of making the land a game refuge. However, after the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) in 1980, the park boundary was enlarged by 4 million acres and renamed Denali National Park and Preserve. To… Read more »

Tips to Combat Jet Lag

Tips to Combat Jet Lag

Jet lag is a temporary disorder that arises during long-distance air traveling. It is most prevalent for people who are flying into different time zones. This impacts the traveler’s circadian rhythm because the body does not understand the change in time. Anyone who has traveled by plane through different time zones knows that jet lag… Read more »

Reasons to Take Your Vacation to Alaska in the Summertime

Reasons to Take Your Vacation to Alaska in the Summertime

Alaska’s wildlife and natural scenery make it unlike any other state in the country, with each diverse region of Alaska offering something unique to adventurous travelers. One of the top seasons for visiting Alaska is the summertime because of the warmer temperatures and longer hours of daylight. We want you to experience optimum enjoyment on… Read more »